Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Steffy Strikes Back :)

From: Estefania Cruz (Thomas S.Wootton)
To: Sandra Superficial (no network)
Subject: re: Your blog

First of all, our SGA representative used the word "incriminating" and no I didn't complain because I don't have anything incriminating or offensive coz I don't roll that way.

Roll wit u ma niggas nd me roll lotza times lyk we fly hi we ballin'

Second of all, those are all my interests. I happen to like a lot of things.

We've noticed :)

Third of all, comments about people's religions and physical stereotypes are never called for.

Welcome to America, sweetie!

And about the pictures, I am not scared my pictures will surface. I am not as absent-minded as other people are. I just happen to care about how others will react and whether they will be hurt or not. And I'm not trying to be mean or hurt your feelings, I'm jus saying you're being really hurtful and franly very offensive. It's not like anyone in Wootton made a website about you, so why do it about any one of them?
♥ 's

Aww, she's trying to suck up now cause she's worried. Oh well, time to tell the truh about Estefania. :)


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robert robby said...
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