Monday, March 26, 2007

Wootton is a big school. Over a thousand people go here everyday, and with so many different faces in the hallways, its sometimes hard to single out the people you know. So it would seem, right? Wrong. One person, has a very distinct face, or should i say nose. No matter how many pictures, in different varieties of hideous poses does Kerry Stotz take, her nose is a permanent fixture.

Here are a number of pictures, just to prove my point.

1.Whoa there kerry.
2.Why would you do a closeup of THAT thing?
3.Dass hawwwt gurrl. Wait, its NASTY.

4.Heyy sluts, Heyy Kerry's nose

5 Out of the high/drunk people, the nose gets the most attention.

6 YEA GIRRRL, Practice those sucking skills

So as the pictures show, one of the best attractions when visiting Wootton is Kerry Stotz's nose. I doubt you'll find a bigger one anywhere in MoCo. Or on anyone who claims to be Catholic, anyway.

Goodnight kiddies, and remember, as much as you want to see Kerry's snitzel up-close, she has an STD radius of about 5 feet, so get a camera with a zoom.


1 comment:

Jack Corbett said...
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